Main Page

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Revision as of 23:04, 7 November 2011 by Woozle (talk | contribs) (→‎Introduction: G+ link)
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Hello and welcome to the VBZ Wiki! This area is intended as an open forum for members of the community (customers, suppliers, artists, fans, family, friends, and critics). Many businesses seem to be almost afraid of their customers, hiding their contact information behind layers of "please read this FAQ first" and "please select the nature of your inquiry"; here, you can take the steering wheel. (More about this here.)

You can create an account if you'd like to have a name attached to your posts; otherwise it will just show your IP address. Please read the Wiki Guidelines before making any significant changes, however.

As of June 15, 2024, VbzWiki has 121 articles.



<func GetLinkBrief>

   <let name=links.out>
  • </let>
   <let name=links.out append copy=data[Date] />
   <let name=links.out append> :[[</let>
   <let name=links.out append copy=pg_title />
   <let name=links.out append>|more]]:[[Talk:</let>
   <let name=links.out append copy=pg_title />
   <let name=links.out append>|talk]]: </let>
   <if flag=data[wpage]>
     <let name=wtLink>[[</let>
     <let name=wtLink append copy=data[wpage] />
     <let name=wtLink append>|</let>
     <let name=wtLink append copy=data[Title] />
     <let name=wtLink append>]] § </let>
     <let name=wtLink>[</let>
     <let name=wtLink append copy=data[URL] />
     <let name=wtLink append> </let>
     <let name=wtLink append copy=data[Title] />
     <let name=wtLink append>]</let>
   <let name=links.out append copy=wtLink />
   <let name=links.out append> § </let>
   <let name=text copy=data[TextShort] />
   <if flag=text></if><else>
     <let name=text copy=data[Text] len=200 />
   <let name=links.out append copy=text trim />
   <let name=links.out append> [[</let>
   <let name=links.out append copy=pg_title />
   <let name=links.out append>|more...]]</let>



<func ShowRecentLinks max>

 <let name=idx />
 <let name=including val=1 />
 <for table="qryW3_Titles_Catgs" where="(cl_to='Data/links') AND (page_namespace=0)" sort="page_title DESC" limit=$max name=pg hide>
   <let name=pg_title val="@row.page_title" />
   <let name=idx inc />
   <if not flag=noLoad>
     <load page=$pg_title />
   <if flag=data[Title]>
     <call GetLinkBrief />
     <let name=links.out>
  • [[</let>
     <let name=links.out append copy=pg_title />
     <let name=links.out append>]]</let>
   <let name=links.rtn append copy=links.out />
   <let name=links.out />
   <let name=data />



This should eventually be able to show data in any format: news links, blog entries... <func ShowTopic iTopic iMax>

 <let name=idx />
 <let name=including val=1 />
 <let name=topic farg=iTopic />
 <if not flag=topic>
   <let name=topic parse>Main Page</let>
 <let name=topic self with="_"> </let>
 <let name=sqlWhere>(page_namespace=0) AND (cl_to='</let>
 <let name=sqlWhere append copy=topic />
 <let name=sqlWhere append>')</let>
 <for table="qryW3_Titles_Catgs" where=$sqlWhere sort="page_title DESC" name=pg empty="no items yet" limit=$iMax hide>
   <let name=pg_title val="@row.page_title" />
   <let name=idx inc />
   <if not flag=noLoad>
     <load page=$pg_title local />
   <if flag=data[Title]>
     <call GetBrief />
     <let name=links.out>
  • [[</let>
     <let name=links.out append copy=pg_title />
     <let name=links.out append>]]</let>
   <let name=exclude val=0 />
   <let name=links.rtn append copy=links.out />
   <let name=data null />



<func GetBlogEntryBrief> INPUT:

 data[*] - from blog entry page
 pg_name - full name of page being displayed (including namespace)
   <if not flag=$noLoad>
     <load page=$pg_name />
   <let name=e.out>
  • </let>
   <let name=e.out append copy=data[TimeStamp] />
   <let name=e.out append> [[</let>
   <let name=e.out append copy=pg_name />
   <let name=e.out append>|</let>
   <let name=e.out append copy=data[Title] />
   <let name=e.out append>]] § </let>
   <let name=text copy=data[TextAbove] />
   <if flag=$text></if><else>
     <let name=text copy=data[TextBelow] len=200 />
   <let name=e.out append copy=text trim />
   <let name=e.out append> [[</let>
   <let name=e.out append copy=pg_name />
   <let name=e.out append>|more...]]</let>



<func GetBlogEntryBriefChrisFormat> INPUT:

 data[*] - from blog entry page
 pg_name - full name of page being displayed (including namespace)
   <if not flag=noLoad>
     <load page=$pg_name />
   <let name=e.out></let>
   <let name=e.out append>[[</let>
   <let name=e.out append copy=pg_name />
   <let name=e.out append>|</let>
   <let name=e.out append copy=data[Title] />
   <let name=e.out append>]], </let>
   <let name=e.out append copy=data[TimeStamp] />
   <let name=e.out append>


   <let name=text copy=data[TextAbove] />
   <if flag=text></if><else>
     <let name=text copy=data[TextBelow] len=200 />
   <let name=e.out append copy=text trim />
   <let name=e.out append> [[</let>
   <let name=e.out append copy=pg_name />
   <let name=e.out append>|more...]]

</let> </func>


<func GetBlogEntryFull> INPUT:

 data[*] - from blog entry page
 pg_name - full name of page being displayed (including namespace)
   <if not flag=noLoad>
     <load page=$pg_name />
   <let name=e.out>


   <let name=e.out append copy=data[Title] />
   <let name=e.out append>==

posted at </let>

   <let name=e.out append copy=data[TimeStamp] />
   <let name=e.out append>


   <let name=e.out append copy=data[TextAbove] />
   <let name=e.out append copy=BlogFoldDivider />
   <let name=e.out append copy=data[TextBelow] />

-- category display

   <let name=e.out append copy=BlogFoldDivider />
   <let name=e.out append>

Categories –</let>

   <let name=noCat val=1 />
   <call MakeBlogCatgs />
   <if flag=wtCatGlob>
     <let name=e.out append> general: </let>
     <let name=e.out append copy=wtCatGlob>
   <if flag=wtCatUser>
     <let name=e.out append> user: </let>
     <let name=e.out append copy=wtCatUser>
   <let name=e.out append></let>

</let> </func>

ShowRecentBlogEntries(max, funcEntry)

Calls GetBlogEntryBrief() by default; $funcEntry overrides that. <func ShowRecentBlogEntries max funcEntry>

 <let name=idx />
 <if not flag=$funcEntry>
   <let name=funcEntry val="GetBlogEntryBrief" />
 <let name=sqlFilt>(cl_to='Data/blog/post') AND (page_id != </let>
 <let name=sqlFilt append />
 <let name=sqlFilt append>)</let>
 <for table="categorylinks AS cl LEFT JOIN page AS p ON cl_from=page_id" where=$sqlFilt sort="page_title DESC" limit=$max name=pg hide>
   <let name=pg_nspace_code>{{ns:</let>
   <let name=pg_nspace_code append val=@row.page_namespace />
   <let name=pg_nspace_code append>}}</let>
   <let name=pg_nspace copy=pg_nspace_code parse />
   <let name=pg_title val="@row.page_title" />
   <let name=pg_name copy=pg_nspace />
   <let name=pg_name append>:</let>
   <let name=pg_name append copy=pg_title />
   <let name=idx inc />
   <call func=$funcEntry />
   <let name=e.rtn append copy=e.out />
   <let name=data />



<func ShowRecentBlogEntriesFull max>

 <let name=idx />
 <let name=including val=1 />
 <for table="qryW3_Titles_Catgs" where="(cl_to='Data/blog/post')" sort="page_title DESC" limit=$max name=pg hide>
   <let name=pg_nspace_code>{{ns:</let>
   <let name=pg_nspace_code append val=@row.page_namespace />
   <let name=pg_nspace_code append>}}</let>
   <let name=pg_nspace copy=pg_nspace_code parse />
   <let name=pg_title val="@row.page_title" />
   <let name=pg_name copy=pg_nspace />
   <let name=pg_name append>:</let>
   <let name=pg_name append copy=pg_title />
   <let name=idx inc />
   <call GetBlogEntryFull />
   <let name=e.rtn append copy=e.out />
   <let name=data />



<func ShowRecentBlogEntriesByTopic max iTopic>

 <let name=idx />
 <let name=including val=1 />
 <let name=topic farg=iTopic />
 <let name=topic self with="_"> </let>
 <let name=sqlWhere>(cl_to='</let>
 <let name=sqlWhere append copy=topic />
 <let name=sqlWhere append>')</let>
 <let name=noLoad val=1 />
 <for table="qryW3_Titles_Catgs" where=$sqlWhere sort="page_title DESC" limit=$max hide>
   <let name=pg_nspace_code>{{ns:</let>
   <let name=pg_nspace_code append val=@row.page_namespace />
   <let name=pg_nspace_code append>}}</let>
   <let name=pg_nspace copy=pg_nspace_code parse />
   <let name=pg_title val="@row.page_title" />
   <let name=pg_name copy=pg_nspace />
   <let name=pg_name append>:</let>
   <let name=pg_name append copy=pg_title />
   <let name=idx inc />
   <let name=data[Title] null />
   <load page=$pg_name />
   <if flag=data[Title]>
     <call GetBlogEntryBrief />
     <let name=e.rtn append copy=e.out />
   <let name=data />



<func MakeBlogCatgs>

 <let name=catUser copy=data[TopicsUser] />
 <let name=catGlob copy=data[TopicsGlobal] />
 <let name=wtCatUser null />
 <xploop list=$catUser var=topic>
   <let name=wtCatUser append> [[user:</let>
   <let name=wtCatUser append copy=data[User] />
   <let name=wtCatUser append>/</let>
   <let name=wtCatUser append copy=topic />
   <let name=wtCatUser append>|</let>
   <let name=wtCatUser append copy=topic />
   <let name=wtCatUser append>]]</let>
   <let name=wtCatUser append>[[:category:user/</let>
   <let name=wtCatUser append copy=data[User] />
   <let name=wtCatUser append>/</let>
   <let name=wtCatUser append copy=topic />
   <let name=wtCatUser append>|c]]</let>
   <if not flag=noCat>
     <let name=wtCatUser append> [[category:user/</let>
     <let name=wtCatUser append copy=data[User] />
     <let name=wtCatUser append>/</let>
     <let name=wtCatUser append copy=topic />
     <let name=wtCatUser append>|</let>
     <let name=wtCatUser append copy=topic />
     <let name=wtCatUser append>]]</let>
 <let name=wtCatGlob null />
 <xploop list=$catGlob var=topic>
   <let name=wtCatGlob append> [[</let>
   <let name=wtCatGlob append copy=topic />
   <let name=wtCatGlob append>]]</let>
   <let name=wtCatGlob append>[[:category:</let>
   <let name=wtCatGlob append copy=topic />
   <let name=wtCatGlob append>|c]]</let>
   <if not flag=noCat>
     <let name=wtCatGlob append>[[category:</let>
     <let name=wtCatGlob append copy=topic />
     <let name=wtCatGlob append>]]</let>



<func ShowBlogPostPage>

 <let name=PostDate copy=data[TimeStamp] len=10 />
 <let name=wtDate>[[</let>
 <let name=wtDate append copy=PostDate />
 <let name=wtDate append>]] ([[:category:</let>
 <let name=wtDate append copy=PostDate />
 <let name=wtDate append>|category]])</let>
 <let name=wtDate append>[[category:</let>
 <let name=wtDate append copy=PostDate />
 <let name=wtDate append>]]</let>
 <let name=wtTitle>


 <let name=wtTitle append copy=data[Title] />
 <let name=wtTitle append>==</let>
 <if flag=data[TextAbove]>
   <let name=wtTextBrief>

In Brief </let>

   <let name=wtTextFull>

The Rest </let>

   <let name=wtTextBrief append copy=data[TextAbove] />
   <let name=wtTextBrief null />
 <let name=wtTextFull append copy=data[TextBelow] />
 <call MakeBlogCatgs />

General categories for blog posts: -- the fact that it's a post:

 <let name=wtCatGlob append></let>

-- date:

 <let name=wtCatGlob append>[[category:</let>
 <let name=wtCatGlob append copy=PostDate len=10 /> -- just the date for the category
 <let name=wtCatGlob append>|]]</let>
 <let name=wtCatGlob append copy=PostDate /> -- full timestamp for sorting
 <let name=wtCatGlob append>]]</let>
 <let name=user copy=data[User] />
 <if flag=user>
   <let name=wtUser>[[user:</let>
   <let name=wtUser append copy=user />
   <let name=wtUser append>|</let>
   <let name=wtUser append copy=user />
   <let name=wtUser append>]]</let>
   <let name=wtUser>unknown</let>

<get name=wtTitle /> <get name=data index=Text /><get name=wtTextBrief /><get name=wtTextFull />


Timestamp: <get name=PostDate />
Author: <get name=wtUser />
User topics: <get name=wtCatUser />
Global topics: <get name=wtCatGlob />


</func> <func ShowBlogPostPage_v1>

 <let name=PostDate copy=data[TimeStamp] len=10 />
 <let name=wtDate>[[</let>
 <let name=wtDate append copy=PostDate />
 <let name=wtDate append>]] ([[:category:</let>
 <let name=wtDate append copy=PostDate />
 <let name=wtDate append>|category]])</let>
 <let name=wtDate append>[[category:</let>
 <let name=wtDate append copy=PostDate />
 <let name=wtDate append>]]</let>
 <let name=wtTitle>


 <let name=wtTitle append copy=data[Title] />
 <let name=wtTitle append>==</let>
 <if flag=data[TextAbove]>
   <let name=wtTextBrief>

In Brief


   <let name=wtTextFull>

Full Story


   <let name=wtTextBrief append copy=data[TextAbove] />
   <let name=wtTextBrief null />
 <let name=wtTextFull append copy=data[TextBelow] />
 <call MakeBlogCatgs />

General categories for blog posts: -- the fact that it's a post:

 <let name=wtCatGlob append></let>

-- date:

 <let name=wtCatGlob append>[[category:</let>
 <let name=wtCatGlob append copy=PostDate len=10 /> -- just the date for the category
 <let name=wtCatGlob append>|]]</let>
 <let name=wtCatGlob append copy=PostDate /> -- full timestamp for sorting
 <let name=wtCatGlob append>]]</let>
 <let name=user copy=data[User] />
 <if flag=user>
   <let name=wtUser>[[user:</let>
   <let name=wtUser append copy=user />
   <let name=wtUser append>|</let>
   <let name=wtUser append copy=user />
   <let name=wtUser append>]]</let>
   <let name=wtUser>unknown</let>


Timestamp: <get name=PostDate />
Author: <get name=wtUser />
User topics: <get name=wtCatUser />
Global topics: <get name=wtCatGlob />

<get name=wtTitle /> <get name=data index=Text /><get name=wtTextBrief /><get name=wtTextFull /></echo> </func><call ShowRecentBlogEntries max=10 /><get name=e.rtn />


  • Policy Index
    • Anti-Spam: how we work to reduce spam
    • Payment: forms of payment we accept, and how we handle them
    • Shipping: when to expect your package, and how it will be shipped
    • Privacy: what we don't do with customer and visitor information
    • Security: how we keep customer information safe
    • Returns: our no-hassle return policy, and how to use it

Artist Information

Supplier Information

  • New Suppliers: upcoming items to be added to the store
  • Discontinued Suppliers: suppliers we're not carrying, for the moment
  • Things we're not carrying: incense? (over the internet??) sports team t-shirts? Give me your 2 cents worth on whether we should add any of these items.
  • Curios: sites which might be worth further exploration, but we don't yet know much about them


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