User:Woozle/blog/2011/01/14/0620/status update

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<hide> <let save name=Title>status update</let> <let save name=User>Woozle</let> <let save name=TopicsUser></let> <let save name=TopicsGlobal>\progress\coding</let> <let save name=TextAbove>I've been mostly pulled off coding for the past month or two due to various crises (all of which have their roots in a family mental healthcare situation, I should mention for those of you who are fans of business yet against universal healthcare) but I managed to get a few more things working: </let> <let save name=TextBelow>* catalog bulk entry (so the listings can finally be updated)

  • restock request entry (so we can keep track of what we order from suppliers)
  • restock shipment entry (so we can record what items we actually receive and easily move them into stock)

The next major project is the "Topics" listing, which is kind of crucial for keyword advertising and also helps customers to find what they're looking for. Right now, it's sadly out of date -- and very difficult to maintain.

After that, I have some really interesting ideas for new ways to think about how businesses can more efficiently exchange value with customers.</let>

<let save name=TimeStamp>2011-01-14 0620</let> </hide><exec mod=blogging func=RenderFullPost />